Position Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

HEAL, Organizations for Health Action, is a non-partisan coalition of 40 national health organizations dedicated to improving the health of Canadians and the quality of care they receive. Created in 1991, HEAL now represents more than 650,000 providers (and consumers) of healthcare.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have major impact on healthcare delivery in Canada and around the world. Highly contagious variants continue to emerge, and vaccination rates fall short of preventing them.

In the interest of ensuring the delivery of safe patient care, HEAL asserts its support to maximize vaccination rates, including evidence-based public education, and encouragement for provincial/territorial governments mandating vaccination of all health care professionals against COVID-19. Mandatory vaccination of all healthcare professionals is an important measure to protect patients, communities, the health workforce and the capacity of the healthcare systems. Higher rates of vaccination will reduce the burden of COVID-19 in our communities and are central to successful pandemic management efforts. HEAL’s call for mandatory vaccination of health professionals includes all healthcare professionals, employees, contractors, students and volunteers working across all healthcare settings (hospitals, private/public clinics, home and community-based care).

HEAL recognizes that in certain circumstances, which could arise from certain medical conditions, vaccination may not be medically advisable, and exemptions may be necessary.

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